【Philosophy of personal infomation protection】
Bee PROJECT Co., Ltd. engages mainly in business activities of Event Planning, Production and Operation and Representative Service for Management Office.
We acknowledges that Personal Information received from our customers and employees through our business activities (“Personal Information”) shall be treated as sensitive information and it is our significant social responsibility to ensure protection of Personal Information. Therefore, we will handle with Personal Information through our business activities in accordance with the following policy and provide peace of mind to our customers and employees and fulfill our social responsibility in relation to protection of Personal Information.
1. When receiving, using and providing of Personal Information we will:
・receive personal Information by lawful and fair means,
・use Personal Information to the extent necessary to achieve the purpose for use,
・not provide Personal information to any third party without prior consent of our customers,
・not use Personal Information for any purpose other than original intent, and
・obtain consent from our customers or employees if we need to use Personal Information for any purpose other than original intent.
2. With respect to laws and regulations, the policies and other rules established by the national government (“the Laws”) we will:
・make efforts constantly to understand the Laws in relation with the business handlingwith Personal Information and make known to our employees to comply with Laws.
3. Regarding safe management of Personal Information we will:
・establish and maintain the system with quick corrective actions for safe management of Personal Information in order to prevent unauthorized access to and leakage, loss or damage of Personal Information, and any other risks,
・implement corrective actions promptly against any accident or violation discovered by inspection and carry out preventive treatment for weakness, and
・thoroughly implement safe education for its employees.
4. Regarding complaints and consultation in relation with handling with Personal Information we will:
・respond to complaints and consultation in good faith by establishing customer services for Personal Information and building the system that makes quick responses available.
5. With respect to continuous improvement we will:
・monitor and audit the status of compliance with internal regulations by introducing a Personal Information Protection Management System in order to protect Personal Information and make efforts to discover any violation, accident, incident, or weakness for Protection of Personal Information and then review the system by our management,
・make efforts to continuously improve the Personal Information Protection Management System by feeding these reviews into control measures and internal regulations, and
・comply with the Laws and JIS Q 15001 in improving the system.
Effective date: August 11, 2014 Revision Date: January 19, 2017
CEO, Shogo Senoguchi
Bee PROJECT Co., Ltd.
With regard to handling of Personal Information:
We will announce the following matters in accordance with JISQ15001.
The type of Personal Information | Purpose for use | Disclosure classification |
Data entrusted from the customer | For event planning, production and management For Representative Service for Management Office |
Non-disclosure |
The type of Personal Information | Purpose for use |
Personal information from the person who requests materials or contacts us for any further information | For responses to inquiries For guidance regarding services |
Personal information from business contacts | For communication with our business contacts, performance of any agreement or request to perform of any agreement |
Personal information from prospective employees or applicants | Selection and communication |
Personal information from its employees | Human resources or employment management by general affairs or any other departments |
【Regarding measures taken for the safe management of personal data in our possession】
The Company shall take measures to safely manage personal information and prevent its leakage, etc., through information security measures such as the development and improvement of a system for the protection of personal information, education and enlightenment activities for employees, access control to areas where personal information is handled as well as access control to personal information, and the introduction of anti-virus software, etc.
【Procedures to request for disclosure, etc.】
In case any request is made by an individual or its authorized representative(s) regarding notice of purpose for use, disclosure, disclosure of records of provision to third parties, amendment of contents, addition or deletion, termination of use, elimination and suspension provision to any third party (“Request for disclosure, etc.”), for Personal Information held by us that is subject to disclosure, please follow the below procedures;
1. Contact for Request for disclosure
Request for disclosure should be made by sending Disclosure of Personal Information Request Form together with necessary documents in such a way that enables to confirm with record of delivery as registered mail of by postal mail.
We appreciate if you could write in red “Disclosure of Personal Information Request Form enclosed” on the front of the envelope.
2. Submission of Disclosure of Personal Information Request Form
Pease send the Disclosure of Personal Information Request Form after filling in all necessary parts of the Form.
3. Identification Confirmation
We will identify the individual by telephone to verify whether or not the person is the one who requests for disclosing of Personal Information. However, if identification by telephone is impossible, we may ask the person for provision of a copy of any of driving license, certificate of residence or health insurance certificate, etc.
4. Request for disclosing of Personal Information by the representatives
If the person who requests for disclosing of Personal Information delegates to its representatives, please envelope the following documents together with Disclosure of Personal Information Request Form.
(1) A copy of any document that identifies its representative as himself/herself
(e.g, a copy of any of driving license, certificate of residence or health insurance certificate) Note: If any permanent resident is written on the copy, please cover it with black ink that makes it invisible.
(2) Power of Attorney (the person shall place a stamp by himself/herself and attach a Certificate of Stamp Registration of the stamp, however, any legal representative such as guardians may provide any document that identifies the relationship between the person and the legal representative)
5. Commission to request for disclosing or notice of purpose for use
We shall charge JPY 500 (including tax) for each request in requesting for disclosing or notice of purpose for use.
Please enclose a postal money order for JPY 500 yen with necessary documents.
Expense for purchasing of a postal money order and postage charges to send us shall be borne by the person who requests for disclosing of Personal information.
If the amount is insufficient or the postal money order is not enclosed, we afraid that we cannot disclose the Personal information or send the notice of purpose for use.
6. Means of response to request for disclosing of Personal Information
We reply it by a method (document, submission of the electromagnetic record) that the claimer appointed.
However, if it is difficult to perform the specified method of disclosure, etc., we will respond by mail in writing.
If you have any further question, complaint or concern, please contact the following the customer service.
Bee PROJECT Co., Ltd.
Customer service for Personal Information
South Forest Bld 10F,1-4-19, Minamimorimachi, Kita-ku, Osaka, 530-0054, Japan
TEL: +81-6-6363-3424(On Weekdays 10:00 to 17:00)
FAX: +81-6-6363-3425(24 hours a day, 7 days a week)
< Person in charge of personal information >
Privacy administrator Osaka headquarters IT Division
Personal Information protection Manager, IT Director at the head office